Start Here!
Each year, we intentionally set aside time toward the beginning of the year for a time of prayer and fasting. We are choosing to abstain from something in order to focus our attention on God and what He is doing in our lives and the community around us.
This year we will kick off this time of prayer and fasting together on Monday morning January 13th with a daily devotional for 21 days. Each day’s devotion will be posted here on this page and pushed out through our app at 6am.
Now is the time to prepare! Here is a checklist to make sure you’re ready.
Start with your why.
Why are you fasting? What is your goal? Are you doing this to draw closer to the Lord or just checking the box? Make sure you know your motivation and get your heart right.
Choose Your fast.
You if you are unsure about fasting or are new to the practice, check out our instructions with the button below. Remember, fasting is about denying or sacrificing something that when you miss it, you are reminded to turn your attention to God and not that thing.
Make A Plan.
Fasting requires discipline and effort. Plan out when you will read the devotionals, what you will do when you are reminded to focus on God, and what you will do when you mess up! Don’t forget, this is a practice and God is a God of grace. So be ready to give yourself some grace and jump back into your fast when you mess up.
For these 21 days, we would encourage everyone to spend some time during each day to pray for your family, your church family, and those in your sphere of influence throughout the week!
Not sure how to fast?
Check out our fasting page below for more tips on how to fast and what to do during the fast!