Day 1: Faith That Endures
Passage: James 1:2-4
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
In January, it’s normal for most of us to “reset” our goals. Oftentimes, that looks like identifying areas of personal or physical growth that we feel will lead us to a better life. For many, this looks like changing our eating habits, improving our exercise routine, and increasing our strength or stamina. We understand that pursuing these goals will take time, dedication, and consistency. It’s not an overnight fix and we recognize that challenges will come that might hold us back. We pursue anyway!
Our faith is no different. As humans, we face troubles that challenge our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It’s easy, in those times, to feel the urge to give up or disengage. Yet, if we look at trials as opportunities for growth, we have a sense of hope to hold onto. This can bring joy if we let it! Spiritual strength builds endurance in the same way that physical strength builds stamina.
As we fast and pray this week, consider the following questions:
How much endurance do I have when it comes to my spiritual life? When troubles come my way, how do I respond?
What is God doing in my life currently that is helping me grow?
What would it look like to respond to trials with joy?